Thursday, 28 April 2011

Flooding In Jakarta And Its Solution

Flooding In Jakarta And Its Solution
Jakarta floods are usually caused by a flood of Bogor or local rainfall is very heavy with a long time between 1-3 days. There was flooding due to tidal virtually rather rare and only hit certain areas on the coast (North Jakarta like Rawa Buaya) if there is a broken levee. Perhaps in the region said floods Cawang, Kampung Melayu, even apart from the toll road Cengkareng flood tide because of its position is higher than sea level.

Flooding because of sea tide can only be avoided by the provision of strong levees and thorough without the slightest crack for sea water into land. Covers the coast and also the riverside whose position is still below sea level.

There was flooding due to rain, if the flow of rivers flowing smoothly and drainage (artificial canal) flows well down to the sea can be prevented. But this means that valuable fresh water is wasted in vain to the sea. It would be better government to deepen the river, a dam or take over there / lakes that exist to accommodate the excess rain water.

On the basis of technical understanding of the flood and our faith in God, then the root causes of flooding in Jakarta is suspected based on: (1) poor drainage system, (2) blockage of rivers and canals discharge into the sea, (3) is too small and continued to shrinking water catchment areas, (4) destruction of watershed hydrological functions that flow through Jakarta, (5) no spatial implementation of the Jakarta and Bogor-Puncak-Cianjur (Bopunjur) correctly and consistently, (6) decrease in surface soil and increased sea looks due global warming; (7) lack of work ethic of government bureaucracy; (8) culture of the majority of businessmen who only pursue profit, without regard to the interests of social, environmental, and people (rent-seeking behavior), (9) most people do not obey the law, no discipline, lack of social and environmental care, and (10) the scarcity of leaders who are sincere, intelligent, assertive, and can emulate.

Technical Solutions

Handling Jakarta flood problems can only be completely realized through an integrated control program based watershed from upstream to downstream. Addressing flooding in downstream areas (DKI) without the fix upstream (Bopunjur) will be futile. The poor condition of land use in upstream areas which reflected the lack of protected areas and green open spaces and the more narrow and clog Ciliwung River, resulting in overflow of flood water from upstream will always be greater than the carrying capacity of the river bodies.

Due to the large volume of water when the rainy season, then to downstream areas we must apply a combination of three concepts simultaneously water managements and integrated. First control the flow of water from upstream areas (flood) to the river and limit the volume of water into the city. For that, the construction of collector lines to accommodate the overflow of water that flowed through the east side of town known as the East Flood Canal (BKT) must be completed. At the same time, the West Flood Canal (BKB) to accommodate the overflow of water that flowed through the western side of town must be lifted up and rehabilitated as many are damaged, narrowed, and clogged.

BKB and BKT expected to accommodate the overflow of water from 40% of Jakarta. Furthermore, water from the canal should be quickly poured into the sea using a system of polders and pumps. Second, striving for an abundance of rain water as much as possible to sink again (saved) into the soil to increase soil water reserves, which are needed when dry. For that, we must improve and expand water catchment areas of parks, urban forests, as well as any other form of green open space.

New Danaudanau also need to be built, while revitalizing the lake and there are dozens already severe condition due to housing development, shopping malls, offices, and other uncontrollable. Now, time for government to require the construction of recharge wells for each home. In addition, the Spatial Plan (RTRW) 2000-2010 Jakarta that "allow" conversion of green open space and water catchment areas into industrial zones, shopping malls, and other development should be the year designation is also being amended to explicitly specify the 30% from Jakarta area allocated for water catchment areas, green areas, and other protected functions.

In addition to expanding water catchment areas, the idea of building water storage underground of large-scale (deep tunnel reservoir), such as in Chicago and Singapore which can store about 200 million m3 of water and last up to 125 years should be considered. In principle, this underground water storage is a kind of underground dams to store all the overflow of flood water and sewage from the city environmental sanitation. Furthermore, this water can be processed and used as raw water supplies. Third, improving the flow of water from the soil surface exposed to the drainage channels, rivers, and eventually into the sea.

In the future, all residents of Jakarta may not be anymore building along the border rivers and canals, and no longer littering. Moreover, because the drainage system in Jakarta is largely a legacy of Dutch who are no longer relevant to current conditions, it's time we rearrange the drainage system in accordance with current conditions and population dynamics, development, and nature in the future. In addition to conservation approach as above, to prevent flood from upstream needs to be coupled with a physical approach to environmentally friendly, namely by building reservoirs and ponds container (retarding basins) on either side of Ciliwung River, ranging from Ciawi until before entering DKI . The working principle of this approach is to block the flow of water from upstream during the flood, then running it into the retarding basins, before going into territory that would be saved (Jakarta).

Spiritual Approach

All the above technical solutions require caring attitude and the spirit of sharing (care and share) amongst citizens, leaders, government officials, Parliament, businessmen, and national components lain.Sikap caring and sharing spirit of this kind is only likely to grow and develop in a spirit that has belief that the life of this world is only temporary, while eternal life (actually) is the afterlife. If we want to live happily world and the hereafter, we must believe in Allah Almighty and to spread kindness and prevent the evil, including the attitude of care and share for each other.

Finally, let's flood disaster sikapi proportionally with introspection and taubatan Nasuha over all sin, immorality, corruption, laziness, not caring to others, just want to look for popularity, and the error lain.Pada the same time, immediately rose from the behavior of blaming each other and always have a willingness to repair the damage. (*)

Saturday, 23 April 2011


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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan

Tokyo - An earthquake 8.9 magnitude scale (SR), which shook Japan at 05:46 GMT resulting tsunami wave. Tsunami hit reaching a distance of 5 km from the coastline. One area of ​​Fukushima. An earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter Scale that followed the Tsunami on the coast of northeastern Japan, has devastated some areas of the State Sakura. A moment later, Japan's Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries that come into contact with the ocean.

Mount Merapi Erupts

Mount Merapi is one of Indonesia's volcanoes are still active. Located in Central Java with an altitude of 2968 m (9737 ft). The location includes Klaten, Boyolali, Magelang (Central Java) and Sleman (Yogyakarta). Mount Merapi is the youngest volcano in the collection of volcanoes in the southern part of Java Island. The mountain is located in the subduction zone, where the Indo-Australian plate continues to move down the Eurasian Plate.
Mount Merapi last erupted in 2006. Since Since the year 1548, this volcano has erupted 68 times as much. According to information on Wikipedia, small eruptions occur every 2-3 years, and the larger about 10-15 years. Here are details:
1.      Merapi eruptions big impact among others in the years 1006, 1786, 1822, 1872, and 1930.
2.      Big eruption in 1006 made the whole central part of Java island shrouded in gray. It is estimated, the eruption caused the Ancient Mataram Kingdom should move to East Java.
3.      Mount Merapi eruption in 1930 destroyed 13 villages and killed 1400 people.
 The eruption of Mount Merapi in November 1994 causing clouds blowing heat down to reach some villages and head of the family and claimed dozens of human lives.
4.      The eruption of Mount Merapi on July 19, 1998 is big enough but it pointed up so it does not take casualties.
5.      On May 15, 2006 Mount Merapi erupted again. Then on June 4, reported that the activities of Mount Merapi has exceeded the alert status. Connected later on June 8, Mount Merapi erupted at 9:03 pm with a blast of hot clouds that made thousands of residents in the area of ​​the slopes of Mount Merapi to panic and try to escape to safety.
On Tuesday, exactly on October 25, 2010 at 17:00 pm and the event is recorded eruption of Mount Merapi there are dozens of victims who have been berhil in evakusai to the hospital, and according to news mbah Marijan died Merapi erupted this event. Since the eruption of Mount Merapi are already dozens of people are confirmed dead and has been taken to nearby hospitals.