Friday, 6 May 2011

Achieving Happiness With Islam

Praise be to Allah the Almighty, who always wanted happiness of His servants, to be free from the bondage of personal passions, love of the world slavery, or any kind of slavery that will rob the glory and happiness. The only way to master the right to govern and regulate themselves is by becoming a servant of Allah alone.

Hopefully shed blessings and greetings to the king of the Prophet. whose life is really free from slavery of any kind, other than a noble servant of Allah alone.

Dear brothers and sisters, what a sad and poignant look at the people who colonized and robbed of its independence. Regulated and governed solely to follow the tastes colonize. There is no peace, no ideals, no happiness, and no bright future.

We also witnessed our country that once colonized by the Dutch 350 years old, followed by Japanese occupation. As a result, although we have been independent now but we still slumped in the exam that seemed endless. Because even though our nation has been independent, it turns out most of the leaders and their people - and perhaps including us - are still occupied by another form of colonialism, which make our lives unhappy, not independent and are not noble.

This meeting will hopefully take us to realize how important it is to free ourselves from the shackles that will destroy our dignity as human beings noble, because colonized by something other than Allah.

Independent living are:

1. Not Tortured by Number of Desire

Having the desire is something very human, even human progress and achievement because of the desire. But if the desire to live enslaved until deprived of happiness, worship, time, thought, effort, cost and even just to serve our desires, and desires are clearly not bring benefits to the glory of the world and the hereafter, it means that we are already colonized by desire.

Consider the people who were tortured by the desire to have stately homes, new cars, which are always trendy appearance, his days are truly the days of the colonized. Not worthy of our life is mortgaged to serve every whim.

We must always think clearly. The desire to be our desire fulfilled is favored by Allah, that desire could be a field of our good works and provision to return us to the netherworld. Therefore our struggle will become worship. Can or not what we want, InsyaAllah, remain a charity and kindness can be a stock return of value.

Align allallah fa Fadiza'azamta resignation intentions, perfected effort, and put thy trust because trust that is the essence desire. The best according to us is not necessarily good by Allah. Vice versa, we are not necessarily bad by bad according to Allah.

"Waasaantakrahu syaiawwahuwa khairullakum waasyaantuhibbuu syaiawwahuwa syarrullakum wallahu ya'lamu waantum lata'lamun" It may be that you hate something, but it is very good for you, and may be (too) ye love a thing, but it is very bad for you, Allah knows, and you do not know "(Surat al-Baqara 216). In other words, please have the desire but make sure it will be an introduction to the straight path and endeavor in Allah's way and give it to Allah what is best according to Allah alone. InsyaAllah, we will be free from suffering tortured by desire.

2. Freedom from Slavery Lust

Lust is part of Allah's gift that complements our lives to be happy even noble. However, the passion must be controlled. We see people who are enslaved lust, the days just think of disobedience. Planning plan sinner.

In fact, we see there are people who smear themselves with a very low act as enslaved by lust. He committed adultery and rape, thus destroying the values
​​that exist in themselves and also to destroy other people, solely because it enslaved by lust. And if we're straight on the path of Allah then we will get the reward of every activity we do.

Similarly, people who were enslaved lust anger, his mind full of cruelty, revenge burning, said the anger management, a vile and despicable act, and certainly he will never favored by others, so that his days full of tension, na'uzubillahi minzalik .

Therefore, beware of anyone that does not mean it to train yourself to control your anger, it will run out of life because it was colonized by the passion of anger.

O my friend is good, life is never happy and noble for the people who colonized by anger. We must strive earnestly to train yourself to be someone who can control the anger, train yourself to not easily offended, easily train yourself to forgive and understand the situation of others, even if you can train ourselves to respond with kindness to people who make mistakes do evil to us. If kitaterkendali from lust anger and lust, insya Allah, this life is more mild and dignified.

3. Not enslaved Asmara

One of which beautify and adorn our lives is love. But we see there are people who cursed their parents, even falling into the valley of insult in despicable acts precisely because of love - of love that make the blind can not see the truth.

Beware brother, fall in love is like entering a whirlpool, if not careful the more love the handcuff, the drift, reduced sense of shame, and the burning desire that eventually afflict the world hereafter, except love in the way of Allah.

Falling in love is like entering chicken to room, will be difficult to throw. Even if the hard drive, then the room will be messy. That the people who hit romance and not really take care of myself.

Therefore, stay away from the romance that is not liked and not in the way of Allah. Have a genuine love for Allah the way he actually arranged in enforcing any religion. Believe me, the signs given by Allah will make us not fooled by the love that seems beautiful but can be misleading, na'uzubillahi minzalik. Seek refuge in Allah that we should not be enslaved by love blindly.

4. Honest People

My brother, every time you lie the lie it would be a prison for us. We will always wary, fearing known lie (lie) which requires us to do our subsequent lies. And it was certainly a lie will become the new prison. So less is more for people who lie, lie or be dishonest in any way.

Therefore not be independent people who do not keep themselves from lies and dishonesty. Make sure we are honest people who enjoy life. The fewer secrets of the more independent life. More and knows no lies, the less threatened this self. Nothing makes us afraid to be known disgrace and deceit by others because we do not hide anything.

We'd better set aside because we are honest than we received because of lying, it means that over time we will be full of tension. Congratulations to the brothers who fought berbahagi be trusted as an honest person that's owned by people who are independent and honest.

5. People who tawadhu

Humility is the key to happiness. The more we want to be appreciated, the more want to be respected, the more to be complimented, increasingly want to be treated better, the more miserable life, because we increasingly need to others. Yet another person may not be in accordance with our wishes.

People who are humble, his mind is actually like to see other people have more right to be appreciated, more entitled to be respected, and not see other people lower than him. Tawadhu will never degrade, even in return will raise the degree of a person.

As warranted by the Holy Prophet, "Wa maa ra illa tawaadla'a ahadun lillahi fa'ahullah" And someone who is always humble themselves for Allah, surely Allah will raise in rank. "(HR.Muslim). It is a dream we are happy if we became a proud and arrogant. Happiness and freedom belongs to people who are humble.

6. People who Ikhlas

Ikhlas is the key to independence liver. The people whose lives greedy ria will compliment would be a fashion victim and victim age. But people who sincerely do not bother with human assessment. What he think is always thinking of the best, and satisfied with the assessment of Allah the Most Near and abundant reward from Allah and did not disappoint.

O good brother, let us enjoy a person who is not affected by the commendable desire of others. Praise people just for our deceit, temptation which makes us often deceive ourselves when we are not worthy of praise. But the praise of Allah will save us the world hereafter. Because Allah is holding each fortune, position, glory, even the delicious world of the hereafter. For what we are praised creatures will perish. Better to indulge want to praise Allah, that's what makes us free in this life

7. People who Trust

More and more dependent on something then we will be afraid of losing something. As one who leaned back in his chair seats will be afraid to take. But dependence on Allah, because that's what will satisfy Allah hold everything we need. Allah knows our problems, Allah is aware of any way out of our difficulties, and Allah is the power over everything.

"Wamayyattakillah yajj'allahumakhraja Wayarzukhuminhaytsu laayahtasib Wamayyatawakkal 'allallah fahuwa hasbuh" Whoever is pious to Allah, He will hold for him a way out. And give him sustenance from the direction of the never suspected-but thought. And those who put their trust in Allah and Allah will suffice (
needs). (Surah Ath THALAQ; 2-3)

Dear My friends, what do we rely on human beings. The creature is weak there is no power and can not benefit us without the permission of Allah, and also can not give any harm. While joining the jinn and mankind will do anything to us will not cause harm to us without the permission of Allah

Let us satisfy ourselves, our effort, and trust us. The amount of effort not to steal the hearts of resignation to Allah. Confident in Allah should never reduce our effort, that people will enjoy freedom in this life. Ruqyah so noble and wonderful if every behavior can be pious charity which became the world's stock of happiness and a lunch encounter with Allah Azzawajalla.

Once independence remain independent. Once a servant of Allah for ever just to serve Allah.

By: KH Abdullah Gymnastiar
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