Friday, 6 May 2011

Is it true that Islam does not recommend pursuing the life of the world and quite grateful for that little ?


Ustadz there is a question that makes me very sad that this happened in my neighborhood. Why Muslims if there are new opportunities in business do not want to use the pretext of 

1. Too pursuit of the world.
2. Should be grateful with a little.
3. We should not do business with non-Muslims.

Questioner: Henydar


Assalamu `alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, Washshalatu wassalamu `ala Rasulillah, wa ba'd.

1. Too pursuit of the world?

Pursuing the world or assets is not prohibited in Islamic law. In fact, every Muslim should have a major source of livelihood in order to berinfaq, alms, alms or waqaf. Moreover, there are liabilities haji that can only be done by those who are rich only. This implies that the search for worldly possessions is not forbidden in Islamic law.

There are many texts that support the argument of every Muslim to actively look for life. Among others the following verses of the Quran:
And look at what God has given to you in the Hereafter, and do not forget your happiness from worldly ... (Surat al-Qashash: 77)

There is no sin for you to seek bounty from your Lord. (Surat al-Baqara: 198)

Where prayer has been fulfilled, then bertebaranlah you in the land and seek Allah's bounty and remember Allah a lot so you are lucky. (Surat al-Jumu'ah: 10)

What is important in business and that business must be located in the corridor of Islamic law, no cheating, no torture, no harm and do not betray the agreement. Above all else do not eat treasure usury.

2. Should be grateful with a little

A little to be grateful and that much was still to be grateful. Because gratitude is universal. More and more wealth is obtained, it should be more grateful to. For all the treasure is the gift of Allah Almighty, though apparently the result of hard work.

Thus Allah SWT tells his servant to many grateful. As The Prophet Solomon a.s.:

... Then when Solomon saw it placed before him, he said, "This includes the bounty of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or deny. And whoever is grateful indeed, he was grateful for himself and those who disbelieve, then surely my Lord is Rich again of Glory. " (Surat an-Naml: 40).

So get more of any property which can still be thankful.

3. We should not do business with non-Muslims ?

Islamic Shari'a prohibits never do business with people is not Islam. During the business was lawful, honest, not persecute, not harming others and also do not violate the prohibited transaction restrictions.

Throughout life, the Prophet Muhammad are often dealing with Jews. When he was not a prophet, his trade to Sham, a region inhabited by the followers of the religion scribe both Jewish and Christian. When he wanted to move to Medina, he was still busy restore the property entrusted infidels. And when he almost died, he still mortgaged his property to Jews.

Hadaanallahu Iyyakum Ajma Wa `in, Allaah A` lam Bish-shawab,
Wa `Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wassalamu Barakatuh.

Ahmad Sarwat, Lc.

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