Friday, 6 May 2011

Islam is the Solution Problem

Someone who propped himself on the principles of the Qur'an was always able to solve the problems of life and always act wisely. Thus, people who live by this principle was never to feel frustrated, however complicated the situation at hand. Therefore, in a society that values ​​/ religious teachings, none of them can not solve the problem.

When religious values ​​are not enforced, people do not reveal their humanity. The problem is simple though, will not be resolved judiciously in irreligious societies. Society thus face the constant hardships throughout his life. Let alone find a solution, instead they look for problems in their daily life, as if it is a catastrophe that can not be resolved.

Unable to resolve persistent problems in every facet of life, their despair and then sue. Meanwhile, for failing to defend reason, they did not get a single solution. Even if they get it, it proved to be irrational, because they get comes from the shallow thinking.

The main reason why the conflict continues unresolved in society away from religion is a member of the community itself is not able to resolve his personal problems. Someone who does not lean itself to the principles of Islam will overcome their problems with their own ways.

In this case, he tried to satisfy themselves without considering the interests of the people. In each of his actions, he did not want to face the risks, and do not want to spend the effort and cost, or take responsibility for the benefit of the interests of others.

Even the little things that easily solved the puzzle for him.
Everyone wants to influence others, to act licking her boss, wanted his position is recognized, or at least want to be a person who always gave the "final word" or decision. Such personalities can not cause another person to give false ideas still.

The reason behind the ignorance of people who do not want to live by religious principles who want to bring a satisfactory conclusion stated in the following verse: Hostility among them is very great.
You think they were united, their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people not understand. (Surat al-Hasyr: 14).

Examples most often seen in open discussion program that aired on televis. Participants discussed a case for hours. Since everyone tends to remove the argument / rebuttal, didapatlah general disagreement.

Participants may confirm the thought of his interlocutor, but pride prevented them to admit it, and, most important to them merely indicates resistance.
This is because, who really want to achieve is not the truth, but the people who make the final decision.

Surprisingly, during the discussion, various problems, conflicts and differences tend to increase. Indeed, from the beginning they did not intend to find a solution. They build and take shelter in the vanities The philosophy, guided by that material is actually the discussion, expression, and changed the way people. They thought that fair enough when they do not find a solution after many hours bediskusi.

Believers, realize that Allah considering all things, require people to act wisely and carefully in each situation. They make the best decisions and find the best solution.

They can decide the matter quickly without any obstructed, because they are guided by the best moral, responsibility, and thinking skills inspired by the teachings of the Koran.
Their affairs was decided by consensus between them (Surat ash-Syuura: 38). Every time they take the choice of the most blessed of Allah. None of that is contrary to justice and truth, though perhaps it is contrary to their interests or personal satisfaction.

Only devoted to Allah and expecting reward only from Him, believers never seek recognition from others, seeking a degree in the human eye nor flattered by them. Therefore, in every decision they take, they always receive the support, guidance, inspiration, and wisdom of Allah.

The believer has a very fear and submission to the rule of Allah, so he was given furqaan to distinguish the right and a false (Surat al-Anfal: 29) so that he arrived at the right decision. They also will get a "way out" (Surah Ath-THALAQ: 2) and ease in all affairs (Surah Ath-THALAQ: 4).

By: Harun Yahya

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