Friday, 6 May 2011

Leading by Simplicity in Islam

Authority is the one people among the ummah, the ummah is not in one person. The difference is, if the leader is very simple in the time of the Prophet, leader of the now quite the contrary.

Shortly after the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa sallam (SAW) died, the Muslims immediately seek a replacement to continue the leadership of Islam. When that Abu Bakar Radhiallahu Anhu (RA) held the hand of 'Umar bin Khaththab RA and Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah RA, saying to the audience, "One of these two men is the most appropriate to be caliph. Umar was said by the Prophet as a man who glorifies Allah with Islam and the Prophet said to Abu Ubaidah as trust this nation. "

Umar's hand trembled to hear the words of Abu Bakr, as if he was the fall of the burning embers. Abu Ubaidah hide their faces and wept with shame really. Umar bin Khaththab then shouted, "By Allah, I'd rather be brought to the front and cut down my neck though without sin, rather than appointed as the leader of a nation where there is Abu Bakr."

The statement was made Abu Bakr Umar was silent, because they do not expect him to be appointed by the caliph. He realized he was very weak in control of government. Not as strongly and not as wise as Omar Abu Ubaidah.

But eventually all those thoughts and feelings directed to Abu Bakr. For he was indeed the closest, in terms of various aspects, to the post this the caliph an extremely heavy.

Bunch of reasons could be offered to appoint Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq as caliph. He was the person who is considered closest to the Prophet Muhammad and the strongest faith, according to the statement of the Prophet, "If the faith of all Muslims are weighed with the faith of Abu Bakr, the more severe the faith of Abu Bakr."

Then taken up Abu Bakr as caliph successor of the Prophet SAW.
The first time Abu Bakr set foot in the pulpit of Allah, he only reached the second stair and sit there without daring to proceed to the next rung, while speeches, "O mankind!. Indeed I was appointed leader of you guys, but I'm not the best person among you. If I do good, help me. And if I make a mistake, then I luruskanlah. Know, really weak people among you is strong on my side, till I give him rights. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger. So if I was rebellious, do not you obey me. "
The caliph tried to maintain the prestige of leadership. But in his capacity as a leader he is trying to convince people that under his leadership that the office is a mandate that requires responsibility, rather than mastery. Authority is the one people among the ummah, the ummah is not in one person. Abu Bakr did not want because of the position, he is so far the ummah. Instead, he wanted to move closer to them. Of the provisions of the Prophet he said, "I am more than willing to change the wolf pounced."
Thus the picture of tension that occurs at the time the election office of caliph. All people reject occupation, even though the friends are very adequate capacity to hold power.
When Abu Bakr died, Umar bin Khaththab agreed to appear as a substitute. Umar who held the mandate over the past two decades (10 years) over 6 months and 4 days, managed to remove the history that changed the world map.

Mighty man who portrayed his strength as opposed to ignorance of Islam at the same time the total power of the Quraish, has performed with the mighty well in the Islamic era to defend the truth, pay for the sins jahiliyahnya.

He dissolved itself in devotion to realize the government is clean and responsible. Controls are operating effectively, so that all people no one escaped his notice.

When the population hit the outskirts of famine, Umar himself who bear the wheat on his shoulders, then deliver to the people who were hit by famine. Then the population would soon be moved to the city to facilitate monitoring.

One night, the city of Medina arrival of caravans carrying merchandise. Abdurrahman ibn Auf invited to accompany the caravan guard all night long. But not far from where the caravan was a baby who is always crying, refusing to be quiet. Umar repeatedly advise, even scold her mother, because they could not silence her son.

The boy's mother then commented that, "This is the error Omar, because only children who do not breastfeed are given allowances, so that the child she was only a few months I was forced to wean." Omar was devastated to hear the words of the mother.

When the priest prays Fajr, reading the verse is not clear because accompanied by tears. After the prayer, Umar immediately announced that all young children receive allowances from the Baitul Mal, including those still suckling.

Decisive and Simplified
The principle of specificity and simplicity strongly held by Umar. The governor who served in the area quite overwhelmed with this attitude.

Ever 'Amr bin Ash, the governor who is credited with conquering Egypt, were given a caning because the Egyptian people to report that he had beaten the governor. People who reported themselves are told to hit him.

Never too Abdullah bin Qathin, a governor who served in Hamash, stripped of his clothes and told to replace it with clothes shepherd, then told to herding sheep for a while. Previously there were told to burn the door of his house, because one of his people told me after being asked by Umar about the state governor. He replied, "Pretty good, just unfortunately he founded the luxury home."

Then the governor was told to put back the door and ordered, "Get back to where your job but do not do that anymore. I never commanded you to build a big house, "said Umar.

Instead, against his simple governor, Umar very dear. As he did the Sa'ad ibn Al-Jamhi who protested its people because it is always too late to open his office, did not serve his people at night and do not open an office one day a week. That was done because Sa'ad has no maid, so she helped her make the bread dough. Later after the dough was fluffy, then went to the office.

Sa'ad not serve the people at night because it was used to bermunajat and ask forgiveness to Allaah. And purposely do not open an office one day a week except in the afternoon because he had to wash uniforms and wait until dry.

If in the current era, this kind of leadership model may be considered ineffective. People call it satay handyman management, which should cut their own meat, satay stab and burn himself.

Of course there lies the difference in mindset and perspective. The Companions of the Prophet is very afraid of accountability in the hereafter. Slightest ummah issues be a concern. Unlike most of the current leadership with an important principle is the division of tasks, and clever to make a report. No matter the report was fictitious or not. Coupled with the lack of control and monitoring, then everywhere abuses.

Indeed we can imagine what the fate of our country if the people who sit on top of power-oriented thinking like that.
Very horrible.
It is not wrong if the ummah is now back in the days of glass to the simplicity of a friend. What a glorious personal Umar bin Khaththab who make rules for the governor:
1. Do not have a special vehicle
2. Do not wear thin clothes (soft and expensive)
3. Do not consume foods that are delicious
4. Do not close your house when people need you
All that was meant for the governors to feel what is felt by the people they lead.

May the leaders in this country can contemplate the weight of the responsibility of holding the trust of the people.
If not, could be be tried by the tribunal of history. More horrible again without a defense claim in court the next.

Mansur Salbu

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