Saturday, 7 May 2011

Peace and Love of Islam | Islam vs Terrorism

My brother is now our country is not constantly hit by bombs, from the Bali bomb 1,2, JW Mariot & Ritchcalton bomb, bomb, and the more pathetic book again, this time a suicide bombing carried out in one of the mosques of Allah in Cirebon, shortly after Friday prayer imams ihram bertakbiratul! This event hurt some innocent pilgrims mosque and causing damage to the mosque.

We really feel concerned, the entire Islamic Ummah and the Indonesian society is really concerned over this incident, we can not accept the atrocities - atrocities like this, I believe completely that there can be people who believe this will behave as alleged, let alone have killed life innocent people, must commit atrocities like this is a person who wants damages for all of us.

Difficult to understand if this is done by the Muslims who are deemed to be more understanding about Islam than most people, on behalf of FII sabiilillah jihad, Muslim solidarity, or the other. They act beyond the limits of Islamic law lay down the law at will. They assume that what they have done this will have an allotted road to martyrdom and paradise. Indeed, common sense they have been far from the truth.


If viewed in the background they are enforcing Islamic sharia in this country (Indonesia) or it can be said to change the ideology Pancasila ideology of Islam. The best goals to be achieved if used the wrong way in the sense that all the methods are the same then wash your face in the water is murky, that goal will never be achieved.


Instead of the Islamic State objective is achieved even impact caused terror in the name of Islam is very large, in addition to the lives of innocent people drift and the damage that made the impact that we can feel themselves in community life, where-where a group of people who do study-recitation suspected terrorist groups, then see a bearded man mistaken for extremists and their parents no longer want to enter their children to boarding schools because fear is going to be terrorists. So grow the disease phobia in the community to nuasa islam, This is something very ironic when the people of Islam, but with the nuances of Islamic paranoia itself.

The Word and Hadith against Terrorism:

1. Terror is an act beyond the limit because of the number of deaths and extent of damage caused.

Allah says:
".. and do not transgress limits, for Allah loveth not the transgressors "(Surah al-Baqarah: 190)

2. This is clearly obvious act of suicide because the perpetrators know for sure that he would die in action.

Allah says:
"And do not kill yourselves, surely Allah is Merciful to you. And whoever did so in violation of the rights and injustice, then we will be putting it in hell. That is easy for Allah "(Surah An Nisa ': 29-30)

3. As the act of killing others.

Allah says:
"And those who do not worship another god along with Allah and do not kill the soul which Allah forbidden (to kill) except with (reason) is right, and do not commit adultery, whoever did this was, surely he's got (retaliation) sin (it), (ie) will be doubled the punishment for him on the Day of Resurrection and he will be eternally in torment, in a state of humiliation. "(Surat al-Furqan: 68-69)

Prophet alaihi wasallam also said that it means:
It is not lawful shed blood of a Muslim who bears testimony that no god (which is right) but Allah and that I was the messenger of God, unless one of the three: the person who committed adultery (though he was already married), people who kill others , and the apostate to leave the congregation of the Muslims. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu)

The Prophet, upon him blessings and peace:
"Those who ensure the safety of a person and then he killed her, then I am innocent of the murder, although that was killed was an infidel." (Narrated by Bukhari in Tqikh Nasa'i and Al Kabir from Amr ibn al Hamq radi 'anhu; See Saheeh al-Jami 'no. 6103)

4. For actions that harm others (Terror)

"The Prophet 'alayhi wa salam said:
It is not lawful seorangmuslim scare tactics to another Muslim. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood and dishahihkan by Shaykh Al Albani in Saheeh Abu Dawud no. 5004)

Prophet alaihi wa sallam also said:
"Those who bring weapons to fight us, then he is not from us .." (Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah and Ibn 'Umar radi' anhuma).

Prophet alaihi wa sallam also said:
"If any one of you passes in mosques or markets carrying arrows, then he should hold it on its end with the palm of his hand so as not to injure one of the Muslims .." (Mutafaqun 'alaih)

5. Threats And adzab For Actors:

Allah says:
"Whoever kills a mu'ahad (non-Muslims who mendapa security guarantees), then he would not smell it heaven, but heaven smell wafted from the travel distance of 40 years." (Bukhari from Abdullah bin 'Amr)

So should not disturb those unbelievers who are guaranteed safety with any problems, let alone killed as terror terror that has taken place.
Even the perpetrators threatened will not enter paradise. We take refuge in Allah from such humiliation.

If the penalty for the murder of infidels is so heavy, especially the law of murder against the Muslims.

Consider the word of God:
"And whoever kills a Mu'min is deliberately then thanked Jahannam, he was in it and the eternal wrath of God to him, and curse as well as providing great punishment for him" (Surat An Nisaa: 93)

With so many arguments relating to the problem of terrorism and the like as mentioned above, and such acts of terror are the result of misguided thinking attitude and the perpetrators are challenging the wrath of God.
This action is an abuse. Crime and deviation from Islamic teachings are straight, even has its clear prohibition and he included in a major sin.

Attitudes and the thing we can do?

Now our task, especially as a Muslim is to learn and convey the true Islam. High menjungjung Islam peace, Islam is rahmatan lilalamin, which Islam does not teach terrorism, because the Qur'an can not be partially understood but the Qur'an requires an integral and comprehensive understanding.

Al-Qu'ran commands to Moses and his brother harun to say soft and polite even if the weight of Pharaoh's enemies.
This religion would be easy to dwell in the hearts and the human brain when delivered in a fair, full of patience and in a rather profound sincerity of the caller as a shadow of truth. Borrowing advice Bung Hatta, be such as sea salt, not seen but felt not like a lipstick, which is seen but not felt, so too should the Islamic ummah today.

Remember the word aa 'gym (3M):
1. Start with yourself
2. Start from small things
3. Start from this moment

May God Hold the heavens and the earth, opening the door of our hearts are all in order to understand the wisdom behind any events that happened and may Allah guide us to be able to respond to any incident with our best attitude.

Wallahu A’lam Bish-shawab

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